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African News from around the World


Politicians, Military Undermine Guinea-Bissau's Stability; Ghana arrests Chinese for 'illegal mining'; Britain to compensate for colonial-era torture; The 8th Senior Officials Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation; China to Africa: Give a man a fish; Chinese Company Brings Digital TV Content to Africa; RDC: la rébellion M23 prête à reprendre le dialogue avec Kinshasa; Mali: l'armée renforce ses positions à Anefis après de violents combats; Madagascar: la présidentielle reportée au 23 août.

Continue reading for an overview of today's news.

French, Mandarin and  English Articles of the Day

Madagascar: la présidentielle reportée au 23 août
"La suspension des financements internationaux et le rejet des candidatures  d'Andry Rajoelina, Lalao Ravalomanana et Didier Ratsiraka par la communautée  internationale a poussé le Conseil des ministres à adopter un décret  reportant  au 23 août l'élection présidentielle. Le scrutin était initialement prévu le 24   juillet..."

"The suspension of international funding and the rejection of  Andry Rajoelina, Ravalomanana and Didier Ratsiraka Lalao as candidates by the International Community has pushed the Council of Ministers to adopt a decree postponing the presidential election on August 23. The election was originally scheduled for July 24..."
This article has been translated from French. Click here to read the original version on Jeune Afrique

Mali: l'armée renforce ses positions à Anefis après de violents combats
"La ville de Kidal, berceau des Touareg, est contrôlée par le MNLA depuis  janvier et l'armée malienne a affiché sa volonté de reconquérir la ville avant le premier tour de la présidentielle prévu dans tout le Mali le 28 juillet. Des arrestations et expulsions de la ville de membres des communautés noires par le MNLA, qualifiées "d'épuration raciale" par le régime de transition à Bamako, ont précipité la décision de l'armée de prendre l'offensive contre la rébellion touareg dans la région..."

"The city of Kidal, birthplace of the Tuareg, is controlled by the MNLA since January and the Malian army has shown a willingness to reclaim the city before the first round of presidential elections scheduled across Mali on July 28. Arrests and deportations of city black communities by MNLA classified as "racial cleansing" by the transitional regime in Bamako, pushed the army to take the offensive against the Tuareg rebellion in the region..."
This article has been translated from French. Click here to read the original version on Jeune Afrique 

RDC: la rébellion M23 prête à reprendre le dialogue avec Kinshasa
"La rébellion du M23, active dans l'Est de la République  démocratique du Congo, a annoncé qu'elle enverrait une délégation dimanche  prochain à Kampala pour reprendre le dialogue de sortie de crise avec le  gouvernement congolais. "Le M23, en accord avec la facilitation, confirme que sa délégation se rendra  à Kampala ce dimanche 9 juin afin de poursuivre le dialogue", indique Bertrand  Bisimwa, président politique du groupe rebelle, dans un communiqué daté de  mercredi..."

"The M23 in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo announced that a delegation  would send next Sunday in Kampala to resume dialogue and to end the crisis with the Congolese government. "They, confirm that their delegation will travel to Kampala this Sunday, June 9 in order to continue the dialogue," said Bertrand Bisimwa, policy chairman of the rebel group, in a statement Wednesday ... "
This article has been translated from French. Click here to read the original version on Jeune Afrique

Chinese Company Brings Digital TV Content to Africa
"Chinese digital TV company Star Media was founded three year ago, and now providing digital TV content to more than 220 thousand people in Tanzania, or 21% of the country's population.  William Lan,  CEO of Star Media said his company's services cover seven regions and include 54 high-quality channels in multiple languages such as English, Chinese and Kiswahili. The channels, including China Central Television-9, BBC World and MTV Base, among others, cover news, music, film and TV shows, sports and children's shows..."

This article has been translated from Mandarin. Click here to read the original version on Sinotf.Com

China to Africa: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
"In March 2013, Chinese newly elected President Xi Jinping visited Tanzania, South Africa and Congo. He also attended Fifth BRICS Summit in South Africa. During this series of visiting, President Xi signed more than 40 cooperation documents, and announced that there will be more financial assistant, foreign direct investment, business projects cooperation, as well as technician and talent training programs to African countries. In fact,  Since 1956, China has been helping African countries to build factories, stadiums, hospitals, schools, hydro-electric plants, and many other projects, in total of more than 900 projects..."

"新华网北京6月3日电(记者 赵仁伟 朱东阳)3日在北京举办的第三届非洲数字电视发展论坛上,与会的多个非洲国家广播电视机构代表表示,近年来在中国政府和企业的参与和支持下,越来越多的非洲电视观众圆了"数字电视梦"。

This article has been translated from Mandarin. Click here to read the original version on News.CN

The 8th Senior Officials Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was hosted in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from October 26th to 27th, 2012
"In total of 240 senior officials from more than 50 countries in Africa participated in this meeting. Both sides exchanged ideas on how to cooperate in the future, on topics such as economics, politics, technological development, judiciary, education, healthcare movement, and many other areas..."

"  10月26-27日,中非合作论坛第八届高官会在浙江省杭州市举行。论坛中方后续行动委员会共同主席、外交部副部长翟隽和论坛共同主席国、埃及外交部部长助理穆娜·奥马尔·阿提娅出席开幕式并讲话。来自中国和非洲50个国家、非洲联盟等地区组织的代表、非洲驻华使节及论坛中方后续行动委员会成员单位主管部门负责人共240余人出席了开幕式。
This article has been translated from Mandarin. Click here to read the original version on ChinAfrica

Britain to compensate for colonial-era torture
"The country expressed regret on Thursday about the abuse of Kenyans by colonial forces during the Mau Mau insurgency in the 1950s and announced a compensation package for over 5 200 elderly survivors worth a total of £20-million. The deal, settled out of court after three elderly Kenyan victims of torture won the right in October to sue the British government, could encourage people in other former colonies to press claims over grievances dating back to the days of Empire..."
To read more please visit the Mail and Guardian site here

Ghana arrests Chinese for 'illegal mining'

"At least 124 Chinese nationals suspected of illegal gold mining have been detained in Ghana, officials say. Chinese officials said most of those detained were mining illegally without visas, work and residency permits. They are negotiating the detainees' release, a spokesman from the Chinese embassy in Ghana said. The arrests took place in several locations around the country following a call by Ghanaian officials to end unauthorised mining by foreigners.Officials raided a hotel and areas near mines where the Chinese were living, the embassy said..."
To read more please visit the BBC News site here

Guinea Bissau: Politicians, Military Undermine Guinea-Bissau's Stability
"Bissau — The small West African country of Guinea-Bissau is slated to hold fresh polls later this year after yet another coup, but opposition to security sector reform (SSR) by some in the army, the manipulation of the armed forces by politicians, as well as the military's interference in politics could jeopardize a return to stability, analysts say. "There is an old guard within the military that does not wish to lose control of the armed forces. From their point of view, SSR is a serious threat to their power and therefore their sources of income..."
To read more please visit the AllAfrica site here

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Africa Program

The Africa Program works to address the most critical issues facing Africa and US-Africa relations, build mutually beneficial US-Africa relations, and enhance knowledge and understanding about Africa in the United States. The Program achieves its mission through in-depth research and analyses, public discussion, working groups, and briefings that bring together policymakers, practitioners, and subject matter experts to analyze and offer practical options for tackling key challenges in Africa and in US-Africa relations.    Read more